Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Day Two at home, sick. Bored out of my head. Several friends came over to check up on me. I love them.

This is the ever-loveable Brodie-toes. He likes Gus' rawhide bone... which is now hiding high up in a tree. No one wants Brodie to fart. He usually herds his dog, Beaumont, but for some reason, the rawhide was of more interest to him for a change. This is a bad picture, but I have to say: Brodie is the best frikkin' dog in the world. Mark is his human.

Below is the little frog-man himself, Beaumont... aka Beau aka Bobo aka Little Tiny aka Bubba aka Bub aka Alias. No one quite knows what to call him. I think he looks like a Corky, but I call him Little Tiny. He is Gus' best friend and Victor is his human.

They romped, they rolled, they jumped on Brodie.

And later that night, after the humans took took their boys home and Gus passed out on the sofa, I took advantage of the coolness of the backyard and listened to the nighttime symphony. All in all, not a bad way to spend a day. And in the morning, I'll be going back to work humming the cicadas' song.

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